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Jan, 2025

Spring Registration is Now Open!!

Spring Baseball Details
email [email protected] for details

Spring Soccer Details

We have players of various experience and skill on our soccer teams and we guarantee at least 50% playing time in games and therefore cap our rosters for U8 and up at 2x the number of players on the field. In the Spring, practices start the first week of March, weather permitting, and are typically Mon and/or Wed for the girls and Tue and/or Thu for the boys. Final practice schedules will be up to coaches, but we recommend that they make one of the two practice nights optional if they do opt for two practice nights. Still, most kids end up attending both because they love being there so much. Games will start the last weekend of March and run through mid-May. Most are on Saturdays but we'll have 8 games over 6 weeks, so there will be a couple of mid-week games. Fees for U8-U12 are $85 per child. This covers the jersey and the referee fees and also helps us save for new equipment. For example, each team will have enough soccer balls for every child to have their own ball at practice. Teams are based on birth year (not grade) as follows...

Instructional Coed: 2020+; Summit Park (aka Village of Glendale Park, per Google maps)
U6 Coed (aka Dribblers): 5v5; 2019; Summit Park or Washington Park (tbd)
U8 Girls (aka Passers): 7v7; 2017 and 2018 birthdays; Washington ParkĀ 
U8 Boys (aka Passers): 7v7; 2017 and 2018 birthdays; Washington Park
U10 Girls (aka Wings): 7v7; 2015 and 2016 birthdays; Saunders Park
U10 Boys (aka Wings): 7v7; 2015 and 2016 birthdays; Saunders Park
U12 Girls (aka Strikers): 9v9; 2013 and 2014 birthdays; Washington Park
U12 Boys (aka Strikers): 9v9; 2013 and 2014 birthdays; Washington Park

Please reach out to [email protected] with questions about our soccer program.

Kevin Carroll
Volunteer Soccer Coordinator
Glendale Youth Sports