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Sports Quest & Texas United “Thunder” U14 Girls Support Kenyan Orphanage

The Need:  By Charlotte Kaiser

“I have found an awesome opportunity for our team! As some of you know, our cousins run an orphanage in Kenya and my Dad and I are planning a trip there for Christmas this year!! The 75 orphans there are totally passionate about their soccer. A couple of years ago, wooden goals were built and a field created. Unfortunately, the wooden soccer goals are ruined because cows knocked them over. Now it makes their soccer a lot less fun. My cousin Nate told me that new metal soccer goals would be an excellent Christmas gift for them this year! The plan is for us to work with a contractor and the kids there to build the goals when my Dad and I go over there in December 2010. The cost of both the goals is only about $320. I thought some of you guys might love to help us raise money for these soccer goals by holding a fundraiser during a Sports Quest soccer practice!  Wouldn’t it be great to help some kids who aren’t as lucky as us get to play the game we all love?”

The Fundraiser:  By Craig Kaiser - The Great Texas Shootout!
The fundraising event for the orphanage in Kenya took place at the end of Sports Quest soccer practice on November 17, 2010. The players each did the following:

  • Obtained at least one sponsor

  • Brought the sponsor sheet to practice

  • Brought or designated a goalkeeper of their choice to practice

  • Took penalty kicks against the goalkeeper (including parents) Every successful goal raised $’s for the orphanage


“With a goal of $320 for the two metal goals, we surpassed it by raising more than $ 25 brand new soccer balls to play with donated by Sports Quest!!!  One of the things that Charlotte and our family have learned is how generous and ready to help the “Thunder” soccer team and other friends in Houston can be.  We leave in about 3 weeks.  We are excited and awed by the support of everyone who is helping to maximize the impact of this effort. 

Thanks again for your efforts in The Great Texas Shootout.  It was a great success in bringing the fun of soccer and much more to kids who have virtually nothing.  You are the best.”

The Impact:  By Craig Kaiser

“My daughter and I returned a month ago from our trip to Kenya.  It was an amazing, life changing trip!  There were many highlights, but the centerpiece of the work we did at the orphanage, was prepare and e

rect the soccer goals.

First off, you have to imagine people who have so little in the way of material things and money.  That is what Kenya and most all of Africa is like…only worse.  Then just imagine the excitement when a truck showed up at the orphanage on our first full day there to deliver two huge, world class looking soccer goals.  Over the next 5 days we put on primer, two coats of paint, dug four holes in the ground, and put the goals up.   We had to contest with rain every afternoon and evening and no real tools to dig 4 holes 4 feet into the ground.  But with the help of about 40 kids, we got it done.  My cousin declared with certainty that they were the best goals in the county!

You can’t imagine the total joy on the side of that hill when the kids played on the last day.  Probably 100 people from the orphanage and community running around and kicking in little impromptu contests.  The only real game was between the 10-12 year old boys and the 12-15 year old girls.  It was about
20 vs. 20!  Great energy and pretty good skills.  You would be amazed at the dribbling skills displayed by kids wearing only flip flop sandals.  Mostly though, it was the smiles on faces…they made it all well worth it.

Trust me, you will be involved in few things in life that cost so relatively little but bring such total joy.  I hope this note makes all of you feel good (it should) and that it encourages all of us to look for opportunities like this again in life.”

“On behalf of 90 kids in Kenya, the community around them,

Charlotte and me, thanks so much for your efforts.”