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Parent Code of Conduct

Parent Code of Conduct

North County Football League strives to provide a competitive and positive youth sport experience. We want to encouraging parents, coaches, officials, and other league players and their guests to conduct themselves in an orderly and positive fashion towards all players, coaches officials and NCFL Board Members. Failure to meet or abide by these regulations at the discretion of the league president may be cause for removal from the field. 

1. I (and my guests) will be positive role models and encourage sportsmanship by showing respect, courtesy and positive support to all players, coaches, officials and spectators at ANY NCFL event.

2. I (and my guests) will not encourage any unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, coach, opponents, player or parent. ANY infractions such as, booing and/or taunting, using profane language or gestures will result in a 15 yard penalty for your team. NO WARNINGS WILL BE GIVEN.

3. I will ensure that my child’s playing environment is free from drugs, tobacco and alcohol. I (and my guests) will refrain from their use at any events, including at or within the vicinity of playing or practices. 

4.  I will respect the officials and their authority during games and WILL NEVER question, discuss or confront coaches at the game field. I will wait 24 hours before speaking to the coach. If I am not satisfied after speaking to the coach, I then should contact the NCFL President. 

5.  I will ensure my child treats other players, coaches, officials and spectators with respect regardless of race, creed, color, gender, or ability.

6.  I will promote the emotional and physical well being of the athletes ahead of any personal desire I may have for my child and in the desire to win.

7.  I will emphasize practices and skill development and how they benefit my child by ensuring they arrives and is retrieved in a timely fashion at all scheduled practices and games. 

8. I will inform the NCFL Officials and my coach of any physical disability or ailment that ay affect the safety of my child and/or the safety of others. 

9. I will teach my child to play by the rules and resolve conflicts in a sportsmanlike manner.

10. I will teach my child that doing one’s best is the most important. Not the outcome of a game.

11. Any and all trash is to be placed in trash receptacles before leaving the park. I will clean up the stands before I leave the field. 

12. ONLY players, coaches and league officials are to be inside the park fence during games. Max of 5. (4 coaches and team mom or someone representing them)

13. Violating of these league rules will result in further disciplinary action. Criminal offenses will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. 

Please understand that these rules are in place for the stagey of all player, parents, and coaches. They will be enforced to secure the safety of all involved. Please conduct yourself in a manner that best represents NCFL. 


North County Football League
P.O. Box 1164 
Montgomery, Texas 77356

Email: [email protected]

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