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Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club

Bylaws - 2020

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(A Washington Nonprofit Corporation)


The principal office of the corporation in the State of Washington shall be located in the County of Snohomish. The corporation may have such other offices as the Board of Directors may designate or as the business of the corporation may require from time to time.

The registered office of the corporation required by law to be maintained in the State of Washington may be, but need not be, identical with the principal office in the State of Washington, and the address of the registered office may be changed from time to time by the Board of Directors.


Section 1. Members. The membership of the Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club shall consist of the following:

  1. All players and parents of players for whom an annual registration fee has been paid.

  2. All team coaches, assistant coaches, team managers, team treasurer, and all team volunteers who have submitted a completed WSYSA and RMA background check as required by WSYSA.

  3. All officers and directors of the Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club who have submitted a completed WSYSA and RMA background check form as required by WSYSA.

  4. All Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club referees who have submitted a completed WSYSA and RMA background check form as required by WSYSA.

  5. While representing MYSC, no Board Member, Coach, Club Member, or any other person representing MYSC in an official role shall be in open possession of or use a firearm, air gun, crossbow, bow and arrow, ax, paint guns or offensive weapon of any kind. Members of Law Enforcement are exempt while in uniform. 

Section 2. Removal. Any member of the corporation may be removed for just cause by the Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club Judicial Committee. Notice of the proposed removal must be given to the member sought to be removed at least two (2) days before a judicial hearing. Any member of the corporation is subject to the normal course of the routine of the NCYSA Judicial process as governed by the NCYSA By-Laws.

Section 3. Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the mod and association coaches shall be held during July or August in each year, at a time and date set by the President, for the transaction of such business as may come before the meeting.

a. The Micro soccer program shall have a separate annual meeting of the micro soccer coaches during July or August in each year, at a time and date set by the Micro Soccer Director for the transaction of such business as may come before the meeting.

Section 4. Special meetings. Special meetings of the members for any purpose or purposes, unless otherwise prescribed by statute, may be called by the President or by a majority of the Board of Directors.

Section 5. Place of Meeting. The Board of Directors may designate any place as the place of meeting for any annual meeting or any special meeting called by the Board of Directors.

Section 6. Meeting conduct. All meeting business conducted by the club shall follow the guidelines in Robert's Rules of Order.


Section 1. Duties and Powers. The Board of Directors shall be responsible for the control and management of the affairs, property, and interest of the corporation, and may exercise all powers of the corporation, except as are in the Certificate of Incorporation or by Statute expressly conferred upon or reserved to the members.

Section 2. Number, Tenure, and Qualifications. The Board shall be composed of the following director:

  1. The Past President(s) of the Club, providing there is a Past President and he or she is willing and able to serve on the Board. Past Presidents who have been absent from any club business and or duties for twelve (12) consecutive months may no longer be considered a Past President for a board position.

  2. All current elected or appointed officers of the corporation.

  3. A coach representative for mod-girls, a coach representative for mod-boys, a coach representative for U11 and older teams of girls, and a coach representative for U11 and older teams of boys that can be elected by the group of coaches they represent at the annual meeting of coaches in August of each year. Vacant coach representative position(s) may be appointed by the president and approved at the next Board of director’s meeting.

  4. One representative from the referees who are registered with the Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club shall be appointed by an officer and could be the Referee Assignor. 

  5. A team manager representative for recreation and mod teams that can be elected by the group of team managers represented at the annual meeting of coaches in August of each year. The vacant manager representative position may be appointed by the president and approved at the next Board of director’s meeting.

  6. A coach representative for Micro Soccer that can be elected by the group of coaches they represent at the annual meeting of Micro Soccer coaches. Vacant coach representative positions may be appointed by the president and approved at the next Board of director’s meeting. 

  7. In order to hold an officer's position a current board member must be in good standing with the officers for a minimum of 1 year preceding nomination.

  8. All current elected board members as of September 20, 2020, will continue to hold voting power until they vacate their role.


Section 1. Number. The officers of the Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club shall consist of the President, VP of Organization, VP of Operations, VP of Development, Treasurer, Registrar, and Club Administrator.  

Section 2. Election and Term of Office. The officers of the Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club shall be elected annually on a two-year rotating basis by the Board of Directors at their annual election meeting and shall commence their term of office on January 1st. 

The President, Vice President of Operation, the Treasurer shall be elected in even years. 

The Vice President of Organization, Club Administrator, Vice President of Development and Registrar shall be elected in odd years.

Section 3. Resignation. Any officer may resign at any time by giving written notice of such resignation to the Board of Directors, to the President, or the Club Administrator of the Corporation. Unless otherwise specified in such written notice, such resignation shall take effect upon receipt thereof by the Board of Directors or by such officer, and the acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective.

Section 4. Removal. Any officer elected by the Board of Directors, or appointed by the President may be, subject to any limitations imposed by any law, removed by the Judiciary Committee or by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors for just cause. The Club Administrator shall notify any officer who fails to fulfill their duties in writing at a critical time that causes hardship to the successful operation of MYSC can be removed by a majority vote of the Officers. The Club Administrator shall notify the officer of the Officers’ vote in writing. Any board member not present for two-thirds of the monthly meetings or three consecutive meetings without just cause automatically forfeits their position. 

Section 5. Vacancies. Any vacancy occurring in any office may be filled by appointment of the President and the affirmative vote of the Board of Directors at the next scheduled board meeting. An officer elected to fill a vacancy shall be elected for the unexpired term of his predecessor in office.

Section 6. Assistant officers. The President shall have the power and authority to appoint such assistant officers as he/she deems appropriate, subject to Board approval at the next regular Board meeting.

Section 7. Officers’ Duties. The officers shall be responsible for the following:

  1. President shall supervise all activities of the Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club and the work of the Board of Directors. He/She shall be the general representative of the Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club in all matters, including public relations. He or she shall execute all instruments on behalf of the Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club, call and preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors, attend all meetings of the NCYSA as the Club commissioner, and perform all duties usually inherent in such office including supervision of the Referee Assignor and recommending to the board a person to be hired as Office Manager and then supervise the Office Manager. In the event the President is not able to perform his/her tasks, the Vice Presidents shall serve on his or her behalf in the order listed below.

  1. Vice President of Organization shall plan, schedule, and direct the following:

  1. Chairmanship of the Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club nominating committee.

  2. Changes in the Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club Articles, By-Laws, playing rules, and/or playing regulations.

  3. Special events, such as team pictures and sweatshirt sales.

  4. Fulfill the duties of vacant positions.

  1. Vice President of Operations shall plan, schedule, and direct the following:

    1. Equipment acquisition, distribution, and maintenance.

    2. Field Acquisition, development, and maintenance.

    3. Field assignment to Mukilteo Youth Soccer Teams for practice.

    4. Field preparation for games.

    5. Fulfill the duties of vacant positions.

  1. Vice President of Development shall plan, schedule, and direct the following:

    1. Player development and player clinics.

    2. Coach development and coach clinics.

    3. Exhibition tournaments

    4. The awards night, Awards for tournaments

    5. Recreational Director of Coaching and Player Development.

    6. Fulfill the duties of vacant positions.

  1. Director of Judiciary shall plan, schedule, and direct the following:

    1. Chairmanship of the Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club Judiciary Committee.

    2. All Judiciary matter that comes before the club.

    3. Forward all Judiciary matters that are relevant to NCYSA

    4. Appoint parent representative to the committee

    5. Notify board members of all Judiciary matters.

    6. Fulfill the duties of vacant positions.

  1. Club Administrator shall keep the minutes of the Board of Directors’ meetings in one or more books provided for that purpose; see that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provision of these By-Laws or as required by law; be the custodian of the corporate records and in general, perform all duties incident to the office of Club Administrator and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him/her by the President or by the Board of Directors.

  1. Registrar shall be responsible for distributing player registration forms, distributing player transfer forms, soliciting player sign-ups, and processing all appropriate paperwork regarding player and team registration and player movement within the Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club. The Registrar shall communicate in all appropriate ways as outlined by NCYSA all information regarding team and player registration. In addition, the Registrar shall be responsible for maintaining a current certificate of live birth records, preparing coaches packets, and all team rosters.

  2. The Treasurer shall have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds and securities of the corporation; receive and give receipts for money due and payable to the corporation from any source whatsoever, and deposit all such monies in the name of the corporation in such banks, trust companies, or other depositories as shall be selected in accordance with the provisions of Article VI of these By-Laws; and in general, perform all of the duties incidents to the office of Treasurer and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him/her by the President or by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the appropriate administration of any club fundraisers. The Treasurer will formulate and present a proposed budget to the Board at the March meeting each year or no later than April 30th. In addition, it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to pay any registration fees to the North County Youth Soccer Association on a timely basis.

  1. Assistant Officers shall be responsible to the officer they are appointed to assist and shall perform such additional tasks or functions as may be delegated by the President of the Board of Directors. In the absence of the officer they assist, such officers shall attend meetings and perform the duties of the office until the Board of Directors elects a replacement for the absent officer.

Section 8. Sureties and Bonds. In case the Board of Directors shall so require, any officer, employee or agent of the corporation shall execute to the corporation a bond in such sum, and with such surety or sureties as the Board of Directors may direct, conditional upon the faithful performance of his/her duties to the corporation, including responsibility for negligence and for the accounting for all property, funds or securities of the corporation which may come into his/her hands. Said bonds or sureties shall be considered operating expenses of the corporation and any premiums shall be paid by the corporation.


Section 1. Annual Election of Officer Meeting (AEM). The annual election meeting of the Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club shall take place during November of each year. The last order of business at the AEM shall be the election of officers for the coming year.

Section 2. Regular Board of Directors Meetings. In addition to the AEM, the Board of Directors shall meet at least monthly during each of the other months of the year. The Board of Directors shall establish a regular meeting schedule by resolution and without other notice than such resolution.

Section 3. Special Meetings of the Board of Directors. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by or at the request of the President or any one-third (1/3) of the Directors. The person or persons authorized to call special meetings of the Board of Directors may fix any reasonable time and place for holding the meeting provided all members of the Board of Directors are given at least seven (7) days notice.

Section 4. Minutes. The Club Administrator shall keep minutes of all meetings manually and the minutes shall be typed, signed by the Club Administrator or other appropriate officer, and placed in the corporate minute book as soon as practicable. In addition, the Club Administrator shall be responsible for having copies of the minutes available to all members of the Board of Directors as soon as practicable. Using a secure online system like Google Drive is suitable for storage.


Section 1. Voting. Each Board member and officer present at any annual or regular meeting shall be entitled to one vote. Except as otherwise provided by statute, the Articles of Incorporation, or these By-laws, any corporate action to be taken by vote of the Board shall be authorized by a majority of votes cast. The President, or any other presiding officer, shall cast his vote only in case of a tie.

Section 2. Non-meeting voting. Votes conducted by email/fax or other electronic measures shall require read/return receipt from each board member, or hard copies of the motion and ballot cast. Board members without email/fax access may cast their votes by notifying two board members of their vote. No response from a board member within three days of a motion being distributed electronically will be considered an affirmative vote.

Section 3. Proxies. No Director shall be entitled to vote or appear by proxy. However, a Director’s vote may be cast by a duly selected assistant officer. Assistant Officer is defined in Article IV, section 6.

Section 4. Manner of Action. Except as otherwise provided by statute, by the Articles of Incorporation or by these By-Laws, the action of a majority of the officer votes present at any meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Board of Directors.

Section 5. Presumption of Assent. A Director of the Corporation who is present at a meeting of the Board of Directors at which action on any corporate matter is taken shall be presumed to have assented to the action taken unless his dissent shall be entered in the minutes of the meeting.

Section 6. Quorum. A quorum for all Board of Directors’ meetings shall consist of fifty-one percent (51%) of the current board members at the time of the meeting. If less than such a majority is present at a meeting, a majority of the Director’s present may adjourn the meeting to another time and place without further notice.


Section 1. Standing Committees. The Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club shall have the following standing committees appointed by the Board of Directors:

  1. Nominating Committee shall be composed of the Vice President of Organization and two (2) board members. The committee shall be chaired by the Vice President of Organization who shall convene a meeting of the before each annual election meeting of the Board of Directors or any meeting of the Board of Directors scheduled for electing officers. It shall be their responsibility to propose a slate of officer candidates for nomination at such an election meeting.

  2. Judiciary Committee shall be composed of the Director of Judiciary, one officer, one coach, one registrar, one parent who is a member of the corporation, and one alternate. The committee will be chaired by the director of Judiciary to meet as needed to review discipline issues according to the Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club’s Articles and By-Laws to preserve the integrity, safety, and well being of all members of the corporation.

Section 2. Additional Committees. The Board of Directors shall have the authority, from time to time, to appoint such additional committees to perform such duties as they deem appropriate.


Section 1. Contracts. The Board of Directors may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the corporation, and such authority may be general or confined to specific instances.

Section 2. Loans. No loans shall be contracted on behalf of the corporation, and no evidence of indebtedness shall be issued in its name unless authorized by a resolution of the Board of Directors. Such authority may be general or confined to specific instances. Provided, no resolution to incur indebtedness shall be passed unless it received at least a seventy-five percent (75%) vote of the quorum of the Board. No loans shall be made by the corporation to its’ officers of directors.

Section 3. Checks, Drafts, etc. All checks, drafts or other orders for the payment of money, notes or other evidence of indebtedness issued in the name of the corporation shall be signed by such officer or officers, agent or agents of the corporation and in such manner, as shall from time to time be determined by resolution of the Board of Directors.

Section 4. Deposits. All funds of the corporation not otherwise employed shall be deposited from time to time to the credit of the corporation in such banks, trust companies or other depositories as the Board of Directors may select.


The fiscal year of the corporation shall be March 1 to February 28th, but could be changed if agreed upon by the Board and is lawful.


The Board of Directors shall have the right to designate and re-designate the counsel who shall defend any person who may be entitled to indemnification; to approve any settlement, and to approve in advance any expense.


Section 1. Club Responsibilities. The club requirements of the NCYSA shall be complied with by the Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club including the following:

  1. The Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club shall submit a copy of their constitutions, By-Laws, and/or Articles of Incorporation to the NCYSA.

  2. The Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club shall be required to notify the NCYSA in writing of the name, address, and phone number of all club officers.

  3. The Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club shall be required to have a representative to the NCYSA Registration Committee, Scheduling Committee, and the Judiciary Committee. 

  4. The Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club shall be required to furnish referees for all association home games and shall have a representative to the Referees Association. 

  5. The Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club shall be required to provide and to handle its equipment, fields, and maintenance. 

  6. The Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club shall be covered by the WSYSA insurance umbrella for all members. This insurance is renewed through WSYSA annually by August 31st. 

  7. Any club function which requires registration of players shall have players register through the Registrar 

Section 2. Team Requirements. The following team requirements shall be complied with by all teams within the Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club.

  1. Teams shall be organized per NCYSA/WSYSA rules. Teams can join the Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club during the open registration period of May only. Teams are formed by the Registrars at all other times during the year.

  2. There shall be only one team of any name for each age in the Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club. The first to register shall have the name.

  3. The stacking of a team is prohibited. If in the opinion of the Board of Directors, a coach is or is attempting to stack, directly or indirectly, overtly, or covertly to improve the quality of their team, the coach may be removed for just cause, or the team may be disbanded. A simple majority vote by the Board of Directors shall be the final decision. Notice of such a vote must be given to the coach of said team two (2) days before a vote. A coach may address the Board of Directors to make a presentation in his/her defense, but the coach and/or team shall not be present during the vote. The President shall notify the coach and/or team of the vote as soon as it is practical.

  4. NCYSA Playing Rules and Regulations shall be followed by Mukilteo Youth Soccer Teams during practices. 

  5. The use of unassigned fields is prohibited for practice or games. Failure to abide by this rule will result in either loss of practice time or suspension of the coach to be determined by the judiciary committee.

  6. Teams shall have medical kits and medical releases at all practices and games.

  7. Coaches and Parents shall not address NCYSA or WSYSA with issues, concerns, or opinions without review of the matters and consent from the MYSC Board of Directors.

  8. Any team under the MYSC umbrella that wishes to participate in any tournament (in-state, out of state, country, local) shall gain board approval and adhere to the same club rules, regulations, and processes that align to league play and club core values. Any team that has entered and wishes to resign from playing will have to seek MYSC board approval to do so.

  9. Penalty for violations of any portion of this section may be the removal of the team coach and or other team volunteers

Section 3. Registration and Scheduling. Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club teams shall be registered and scheduled to play games through NCYSA/WSYSA.

  1. All teams registered to play within NCYSA shall be subject to NCYSA requirements for a team Registration and Scheduling. See NCYSA By-Laws Article 10, Section 3. Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club is subject to all deadlines, fines, fees, and such as described in NCYSA By-laws Article 10, Section 3.

  1. Any changes made by teams that result in an NCYSA and/or WSYSA fine, the team causing the fine to occur shall be responsible to pay said fine or reimburse Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club for said fine. 

Section 4. Player Registration. All players shall be registered within the following guidelines to be eligible to play for Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club.

  1. All registrations must be submitted with a copy of a Government-issued proof of age document. Registrations received without this will be returned to the sender.

  2. Returning players must register by May 31st to secure a spot on their previous team. No spots shall be held for a player after May 31st. 

  3. Every attempt shall be made to place a player on their team of choice within the registration rules of the Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club, NCYSA, and WSYSA. 

  4. Players will be discouraged from playing ahead of their age-appropriate level.

  5. Players are registered to their team from the registration date until May 31st of the following year. 

  6. Players registering after May 31st will be placed on an age and gender appropriate team with the shortest roster. Players will be placed as registrations are received. 

  7. Registered players who wish to move to a different team must follow player transfer rules. See section 6.

Section 5. Rosters. All rosters shall be prepared in accordance with NCYSA/WSYSA requirements and accordance with the following.

  1. No name may appear on a team roster until the birth date is verified and the registration fee has been paid.

  2. Team rosters must not have more players than defined by NCYSA and/or WSYSA.

  3. Each team roster must contain the name of a responsible adult as either coach, assistant coach, or team manager.

  4. Each coach shall be responsible for all information on the roster and that all statements regarding birth dates are correct and shall notify the Registrar of any inaccuracies as soon as practical.

  5. Additions to a roster must be submitted to the Registrar at least three (3) days before the player is eligible for any game. Registration must be according to the subsection of this section. 

  6. No player shall take the field for or against any association team in league or tournament play unless his/her name is on his/her team roster according to sub-sections (a and e) of this section. 

  7. Penalty for violations of any portion of this section may be forfeiture of the game or games. And or removal of the team coach and or other team volunteers. 

  8. All team volunteers as defined in Article II, section b, must have a current RMA on file and be registered with the club. 

  9. It is a recommended goal that each player will have the opportunity to play a minimum of 50% of the total playing time over the seasonal year. All players who regularly attend and fulfill all requirements of turnouts shall be given a chance to play a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the match unless there are discipline problems. Players that miss multiple scheduled practices or games may receive less playing time unless cleared by the coach.

Section 6. Player Transfers. All player transfers shall have the appropriate paperwork completed and submitted as required by NCYSA/WSYSA.

Section 7. Canceling Games, Games may be canceled as follows:

  1. For any reason in accordance with the NCYSA By-Laws. All consequences, rescheduling of canceled games will be in accordance with NCYSA.

  2. By the game referee, in his/her discretion, declaring the field unsafe and/or unplayable. 

  3. Failure of a referee to appear within fifteen (15) minutes of the scheduled starting time will not be cause for canceling the game. The coaches must mutually agree to a substitute referee or the home team coach shall referee the first half of the game and the visiting coach shall referee the second half.

Section 8. Scorekeeping. A record shall be kept of game scores by NCYSA/WSYSA in the following manner:

  1. It shall be the responsibility of all coaches except mod coaches to report scores to NCYSA in the manner NCYSA requires and in accordance with the Bylaws, rules, and regulations of NCYSA. 

  2. Standings shall be determined in accordance with the Bylaws of NCYSA.

  3. Scores for mod soccer games shall not be recorded.

Section 9. Fundraising. All fundraising projects in the name of the NCYSA or the Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club or referring to the organization shall be approved in advance by the Board of Directors. Sponsorship and donations to individual teams are not charitable contributions and cannot be recognized by the Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club as such. Donations made directly to Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club are recognized as charitable contributions. A sponsor may designate an individual team for receipt of donation provided the funds are paid directly to the club and the individual team(s) provides receipts for distribution of donation. Donations over $250.00 shall receive an advertisement on the club website for the year the donation was made.

Section 10. Refunds All refunds shall be issued by the Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club as follows.

  1. Registration fees are one hundred percent (100%) refundable if a written request is received by the Registrar before August 1st. A processing fee set by the club at the beginning of each season shall apply.

  2. Registration fees are fifty percent (50%) refundable if a written request is received by the Registrar after August 1st and before games commence.

  3. No refunds for registration fees will be allowed for oral requests or if a written request is received after games commence regardless if a player has played in a game.

  4. Refunds of team fees are at the discretion of each team.

Section 11. Financial aid guidelines and limits

  1. Financial aid from club funds will be limited to registration fees.

  2. Qualification for financial aid will be determined on a case by case basis.

  3. Players who receive financial aid, but do not play during the season shall be required to return their financial aid to the club.

  4. The Board of Directors may appoint a review committee to review a request for additional financial aid to cover uniform and or team fees.

  5. All approved financial aid applicants will be required to volunteer a minimum of 2 hours during a MYSC annual tournament.


Section 1. Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club’s Judiciary shall govern all discipline issues within the Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club. Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club’s Judiciary shall not usurp or govern discipline issues governed by the NCYSA Judiciary as outlined in the NCYSA By-Laws.

Section 2. Judiciary shall be a standing committee consisting of The Directory of Judiciary, one officer, one Registrar, one coach, one parent, and one alternate. The Board of Directors shall elect the Chairperson every odd year. The Board of Directors shall elect the officer to serve every year at the annual election meeting. The Registrars shall choose their representative as needed. The Coaches Representatives shall appoint a coach to serve as needed. The Director of Judiciary shall appoint a parent who is a member of the corporation randomly as needed and appoint an alternate to sit in on meetings as needed.

Section 3. Judiciary shall meet as needed. Members of the Judiciary shall assign one member the task of recording all matters that come before them including all decisions rendered. Judiciary members shall excuse themselves and appoint an alternate if a matter brought before the Judiciary is about that member, member’s team, relative, close friend, or other relationship that may cause a conflict of interest.

Section 4. All matters before the Judiciary shall be submitted in writing.

Section 5. Judiciary is required to notify the member or members of the corporation who may have a matter before the Judiciary Committee at least two (2) days before the review. The member or members are not required to come before the Judiciary. The member or members may address the Judiciary Committee before a decision. The member or members shall not be present when the Judiciary makes decisions.

Section 6. Judiciary may consult the Board of Directors for advice involving a discipline issue. Judiciary may not remove any member or members of the corporation without just cause. Judiciary will consider with great seriousness and gravity any vote for removal of a member or member of the corporation. Just cause is defined as:

Any action, behavior, or activity by a member or members of the corporation that endangers the safety of any other member or is in direct conflict with any By-Law of MYSC, NCYSA, WSYSA.

Section 7. A simple majority vote by the Judiciary members is required to pass a disciplinary decision. All decisions rendered by the Judiciary are final.


These By-Laws, Articles of Incorporation may be amended by the Board of Directors in the following manner:

  1. The proposed amendments will be presented to the Board of Directors at a regular Board meeting. 

  2. The proposed amendment (s) must be in writing and in the format of showing the original Bylaw first and proposed amendment below. There must be a copy for each board member. 

  3. Any proposed amendment shall be approved by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the quorum.

  4. Amendments will become effective immediately except those approved between August 15 and December 31. Those approved between August 15 and December 31 will not become effective until January 1 of the following year unless the Board of Directors votes unanimously to implement at a different time. 

  5. These By-Laws shall be reviewed no less than every five years by not less than 2 members of the Board of Directors who shall be solicited and approved by the board. 

These By-Laws and Articles of Incorporation of Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club have been amended on September 20, 2020.

_________Signature on file__________ Date: 20th day of September, 2020

Signed by Steven Bullock, Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club President

_________Signature on file__________ Date: 20th day of September, 2020

Signed by Erin Funk, Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club Club Administrator


Mukilteo Youth Soccer Club

P.O. Box 762 
Mukilteo, Washington 98275

Phone: 425-745-4499
Email: [email protected]

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