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Kittitas County Flag Football

Kittitas County Flag Football

News Detail


Jul, 2021



  • Each coach shall attempt to divide playing time evenly among his/her players.
  • Players may wear a knit hat as long as it has NO bill. (ie. No baseball caps)
  • It is strongly recommended that all players wear a mouthpiece and cleats. (no metal cleats)
  • Players may carry a playbook inside their clothing as long as it is not made of an unyielding material and is not visible. If carried on the field, a player must keep the playbook rather than throw it on the ground. Players may wear a soft, pliable wrist forearm band that contains plays


The NFL Flag Rulebook will be used and can be found at  the bottom of the page following the NFL Rulebook link.


The following are the LSO overruling modifications and clarifications to the NFL Flag Rulebook:

Snapping the Ball

Rookie and JV Divisions: The center may snap the ball to the side or between the legs.

(Change to NFL Flag Rules: modification of XVI.4 )

Varsity Division must snap ball between the legs as described in the NFL Flag Rulebook.

Coaches on the Field

Rookie and JV Divisions: One coach for each team may remain on the field during games to assist in setup before the play but must keep clear of the players during the actual play. The penalty for not following this rule will result in the head coach being ejected from the game followed by the assistant coach(es) if it continues. There are no exceptions. If a player cannot get his or her flags on they should be substituted out or use a timeout.

Varsity Division: One offensive coach may remain on the field during games, but must keep clear of players during actual play. One defensive coach is allowed on the field between snaps, but must move to the side lines before the snap of the ball. The penalty for not following this rule will result in the head coach being ejected from the game followed by the assistant coach(es) if it continues. There are no exceptions. If a player cannot get his or her flags on they should be substituted out or use a timeout.


2-point conversion will be spotted from the 7 yard line instead of the 12 yard line per the NFL Flag Rules (Change to NFL Flag Rules: modification of VIII.2)


The game is played with 5 players from each team on the field at one time.

I. 6. All possession changes, except interceptions, start on the offense's 5 yard line.

II. Downs: the offensive squad has three attempts or "Downs" to advance the ball. They must cross midfield for a 1st down, or after crossing midfield, score a touchdown within the three downs, otherwise possession of the ball is given to the other team.

IV. 7. Pants or shorts with belt loops or pockets must be taped. **IT WOULD BE SMARTER TO TELL YOUR TEAMS NOT TO WEAR PANTS OR SHORTS WITH POCKETS!**

VII. 1. Games are played on a 40 minute continuous clock (two 20 minute halves). The clock only stops for timeouts.

VII. 4. Each team has one 60-second time out per half.

X. 3. A player who gains possession in the air is considered in bounds as long as one foot comes down in the field of play.

XI. 3. Only direct handoffs behind the line of scrimmage are permitted (no pitches). Handoffs may be in front, behind, or to the side of the offensive player, but must be behind the line of scrimmage.

XI. 5. "No-Run Zones," located 5 yards before each end zone and 5 yards prior to midfield "first down" are designed to avoid short-yardage power-running situations. Teams are not allowed to run while in these zones.

XI. 8. Runners may not leave their feet to advance the ball. No diving, leaping or jumping.

XI. 11. No blocking or "screening" is allowed at any time. **This means offensive players cannot run in front of or beside the ball carrier!**

XI. 12. Offensive players must stop their motion once the ball has crossed the line of scrimmage. No running with the ball carrier.

XII. 1. All passes must be from behind the line of scrimmage, thrown forward, and received beyond the line of scrimmage. (no screen passes behind line of scrimmage)

XII. 3. The quarterback has a seven-second "pass clock." If a pass is not thrown within the seven seconds, play is dead, the down is consumed and the ball is returned to the line of scrimmage. Once the ball is handed off, the 7-second rule no longer is in effect.

a. If the QB is standing in the end zone at the end of the 7-second clock, the ball is returned to the line of scrimmage (LOS).

XIV. 4. Players rushing the quarterback may attempt to block a pass; however, NO contact can be made with the quarterback in any way.

XIV. 5. Offense cannot impede the pass rusher in any way. (no blocking, screening, etc.)

XVII. 4. Ball carriers MUST make an effort to avoid defenders with an established position.

XVII. 5. Defenders are not allowed to run through the ball carrier when pulling flags.

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Kittitas County Flag Football

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