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Learning Life Lessons and Values Building Lifelong Friendships

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Jul, 2020

2020 Football/Cheer Season Cancelled

Message from the HLEA President, Dave Seese

SVYC voted last evening to not have a season. Today as the president I want to formally address the cancellation of the HLEA season. Please understand this decision was not made lightly or without much debate and internal struggle. The fall seasons in my life have always been taken up with football, I grew up around coaches, I played, and became a coach myself. I could never imagine a situation that would warrant a cancellation of football season. I have seen what this virus can do first hand, it is not pretty, and it is not a hoax. Some of you may point to the fact that only a few children have died in Ohio from Covid-19, well this is true. There are side effects from this that can last a lifetime. I would also argue that one child passing away is one too many. I do not feel I could assure the safety of your child, their grandparents, or yourselves. Some will say but baseball had a season and was fine. My response is baseball and football are very different sports, also just because one group dodged a bullet does not mean everyone will dodge that bullet. I am also concerned with the health of our coaches and board members. I understand that this may not be a popular decision but I feel it was the right decision. If you are angry please be angry with me and leave my board members and coaches out of it. Please know that I will continue to do what I believe to be right for the children you trust HLEA to teach. I encourage the seventh graders we have to move up to the 7th and 8th grade team with the school. They will need physicals by August 3rd, the first day of 7/8th grade practice. It starts at 4:30pm at the high school practice field behind the school. We are proud of you all. I will greatly miss coaching you this year.


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