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Welkome to Team Kaution

News Detail


Jan, 2021

Coronavirus and Team Kaution .. what you need to know?

1. All players must come to practice with Hand Sanitizer, Mask and their own basketball
2. We will provide Sanitizer for those that dont  have BUT IT IS MANDATORY for all to bring with them.
3.  Mask do not have to be worn when playing,  but the players must have in their possesion. 
4.  Playes must be seen sanitizing before and after practice. 
5. Basketballs will be sanitized before and after shared use.
6.  Parents are asked to keep their child home if they are showng any signs at all of being infected with Covid-19
7. Temperatures will be taken before practice. 
8.  if there is even the slightest chance that someone has come in contact with someone that has covid we will be aggresive and will most likely sgut down for 10-14 days at a minimum. 

Thank you,

Trevor Moncrease
[email protected]
Kaution Sports
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