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Baker County Touchdown Club

Baker County Touchdown Club

News Detail


May, 2019

2019 Cheerleading Coaches Needed!


The Baker County Touchdown Club (B.C.T.C.), is a nonprofit organization setup to promote Football/Cheerleading in Baker County. The aim of the B.C.T.C. is to promote fellowship, sportsmanship, and encourage community pride in our young men and women. Building on the fundamentals will enable YOUR child to progress through the Athletic programs of the Baker County school system. By supporting the School System’s Athletic Departments the B.C.T.C. annually provides donations that the Athletic Department disperses. We also provide annual scholarships to male/female applicants who have participated in our program. It is our desire that one day this will be YOUR child.









          To provide the children of Baker County a safe, fun, learning environment to develop their skills for football and cheerleading.  To teach good sportsmanship in all we do.  REMEMBER: IT’S ALL ABOUT THE CHILDREN!!



  • 1.)Coaches/Assistant Coaches must fill out coach’s form & conduct background screening.
  • 2.)Only BCTC approved coaches, up to 3, and BCTC cheerleaders are allowed on the field.Due to safety issues, one coach must be on the field with their team at all times. Mascots that are not signed up through the BCTC; will not be allowed on the field during game time, unless approved through the BCTC. If a coach has any questions please feel free to come to me and we will discuss them.
  • 3.)Coaches/Assistant coaches must be present at all practices. Do not leave team unattended.
  • 4.)Must notify Heather Lewis at [email protected]

     Location, Days and Times of practices

  • 5.)Must have cell phone or accessibility to phone during practices in case of emergency.
  • 6.)Coaches must refrain from using profanity and /or vulgar language.
  • 7.)All practice sessions should be supervised by the coach and held in a location suitable for the activities of cheerleaders. Please do not practice squad on unsafe surface/terrain. Also, monitor weather for any unsafe conditions that may arise.




Team sponsorships are encouraged to help with the costs of uniforms.  Any money collected from sponsors must be turned into the treasurer of the league. Also please notify the treasurer of any items donated to the team so that the sponsors will be recognized.  All funds must be accounted for. Coaches must turn in copies of all receipts for items purchased & or donated. Sponsors can buy and give items to a team (i.e. poms, roll paper, bottled water etc). Any coach caught misusing funds or sponsorships will be prosecuted to the utmost extent of the law.





                BCTC does not sanction or allow Aerial stunts, Pyramid building or stunting without the approval of the BCTC.  Any coaches found violating these rules will be removed from their position as coach.  We do not have the appropriate number of approved and certified coaches to perform this type of activity.

            All NCAA level 1 stunts are approved by the BCTC.  There has to be a BCTC approved coach behind them for spotting. If you are a NCAA certified coach and would like to increase your level of stunting please see Cheer Coordinator for signed approval. BCTC will not exceed NCAA level 3 stunts at any time.






We are a youth football and cheerleading program, with ages ranging from 6 to 13 years old.  All cheers, chants, moves, dances, and music need to be appropriate for all ages.  Please see attached list for examples on Cheers/Chants.







Prices for Value Line uniforms average $100

**All uniforms are approved for Pop Warner (youth cheer) teams.

It is the Coaches decision to get poms, bows, socks, face stickers, etc. Funds for these items may be raised through sponsorship, fundraisers, or parent payment. Cheer Coordinator will email list of national companies that have been used in past and have been reliable and reasonable on items. Choice of company is up to Team Coach.   


Uniforms are not custom fitted; if the cheerleader’s uniform does not fit to the parent’s approval –parents may alter the uniform. PARENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL ALTERATIONS!!




As a sign of respect and sportsmanship, at half-time a coach will walk their cheerleaders over to the opposite sideline, to perform a cheer for the other team.  The home team will walk over first.  When they have finished and are half-way across the field, the visitors will walk over to perform for them.  Remember that half-time is only 8 minutes long.  The cheerleaders will not be able to do this for the Jamboree due to the fact that it’s only a 2 quarter game and has no half-time.

            Make sure your cheerleaders know that when a player (your team or your opponents) gets hurt on the field, they need to take a knee until the player either gets up or is taken off the field.

When the game is over, cheerleaders and coaches will line up behind the football players to shake hands with the other team.








Squad Practice Worksheet

Worksheet for Squad Practice

Date:  ___ I____I_____

I. Warmup (Time_____)

II. Goals: (Time____)






III. Work On (Time____)

Jumps/Tumbling (Time____)




Game Material (Time____)




IV. Discuss (Time____)

Follow up on old business:

New/future business:

V. Fitness (Time____)

VI. Cool Down (Time____)

VII. Dismiss



By signing this document I acknowledge that I have received, read, and fully understand the Coaching Guidelines: Cheerleading Attachment.



Signature:  __________________________________


Print Name: _________________________________


Name of team you are coaching/assisting:_________


Home Number: ______________________________


Cell Number:    ______________________________


Email Address: ______________________________







Baker County Touchdown Club

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