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Dec, 2022

Little League Baseball

You Make the Call – Did the Runner Leave Base Early?


With one out, and runners on first and second base, the batters has a count of two strikes, one-ball. As the pitcher delivers the next pitch, the runner on second base leaves the base before the pitch reaches the batter. The base umpire, located in the “C position” – behind and to the left of the shortstop – calls “time” and indicates the runner at second base is “out” for leaving the base early as the batter hits a ground ball to the shortstop. The shortstop fields the ball and throws to second base to retire the running originally on first base. At the end of the play, there are runners on first and third base, with two outs. After the action has stopped, the base umpire reaffirms the call that the runner on second base at the time of the pitch, left early. With the ball having not yet been put back into play, the offensive manager approaches the base umpire, and states that the runner in question should be left at third base because the shortstop chose to make a play on the runner attempting to reach second base. Should the base umpire change his call because returning the runner to second penalizes a runner who was forced to advance?


In the judgment of the base umpire, the runner left the base before the pitch reached the batter located in the batter’s box, regardless of whether he was forced to advance, or not. It is not necessary for the pitch to reach the catcher for a runner to attempt to steal, but it must have reached the batter before a runner may legally release and attempt to advance. Secondly, the decision as to where the defense chooses to attempt a putout does not impact the decision, because “time” was called, ending any further game play. Per the Little League Baseball® Official Regulations, Playing Rules, and Policies – Rule 7.13: When a pitcher is contacting the pitcher’s plate and in possession of the ball, and the catcher is in the catcher’s box ready to receive delivery of the ball, base runners shall not leave their bases until the ball has been delivered and reached the batter. When a base runner leaves the base before the pitched ball has reached the batter and it is detected by the
umpire, the ball is dead. “No Pitch” is declared and the runner is out.

Note 1: When this situation occurs, “No Pitch” is declared, and the umpire shall call the runner out for leaving the base too soon. This is not an appeal play.

Note 2: This rule is only applicable in Little League Major Division Baseball and below. Review the entire rule to understand other situations that are related to the understanding, interpretation, and application of this rule.


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