Secretary Elect
Public Relations-Elect
Technology Director At Large - 1 position
Those interested in nominating another individual or being nominated themselves for an open position should express interest by contacting Executive Director at John Whalen at
[email protected]. Please include the name, address, e-mail, and telephone number of the nominee, as well as a brief description of why the person is being nominated. All nominations will be confirmed by contacting the person being nominated (self or other individual). Further information on the terms of office and duties of each position can be viewed in the CDAA By-Laws.
The CDAA relies on the involvement of Champlin and Dayton residents who are willing to give generously of their time and abilities to benefit all CDAA sports participants. Without this volunteer spirit, opportunities for area youth to play organized athletics would be greatly diminished and in some cases, nonexistent.
While the CDAA enjoys a beneficial relationship with the cities of Champlin and Dayton, the association exists as a separate and entirely voluntary organization. Please consider joining us as a coach, team parent, sport coordinator or board member. With each new season we have vacancies and needs in all of these areas so let us know if you'd be interested in becoming a part of the CDAA.